Thief meaning
Thief meaning

thief meaning

And I believe in SirNirian's theory about "The Thief" being the woman The Joker one day will meet, and thus, as you often say when it comes to love, steal his heart. However, he finally understood that this was a mindless, stupid way to live (The "sweet" in his heart overcame the "sour"), and so he decided to search for his eternal love, not going home until he has found her ("We are not goin' home", sung from the perspective of the band, who follows him on his travel). However, The Joker hasn't either showed any feelings for the women he has found, and only used them as slaves that he choose to control ("Always laughing in the midst of power"). The opening line where it describes him as "a wanted man" is due to that the women who have met him during his life has flocked around him like crazy, but only exploited him for their own desires, and not expressed any feelings for him. Anyway, I do believe the song is about a man - The Joker - who is traveling through the world in search for only one thing - Pure love. General CommentFrom what I heard, the lyrics of "Joker & the Thief" was influenced by "All Along the Watchtower", the famous folk song by Bob Dylan.

thief meaning

I said, I'll tell you the story 'bout the the joker and the thief

thief meaning

Tell you the story 'bout the the joker and the thief I wonder what would happen if he took her away You get the feelin' comin' after the glow I wonder what would happen is he took her away Leaves a Calling Card to the intended victim. There is no single set model of the Phantom Thief, but they usually have some of the following characteristics. Just as likely to be an antihero as a villain. An elusive and fantastic thief who can be long gone before the victim even knows what hit him. someone who steals livestock (especially cattle) cracksman, safebreaker, safecracker. a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence. someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war) robber. 'Bout the joker and the thief of the night The Phantom Thief is a special class of criminal. despoiler, freebooter, looter, pillager, plunderer, raider, spoiler.

Thief meaning