Recommend folks either open a ticket with Zoom or contribute to CamTwist to help solve this issue. After looking into the problem, I have a suggestion: the quickest way to accomplish this function would be to create a DirectShow Capture Source Filter (acting like a webcam) which is also an RTMP server. Det fungerer hovedsageligt som en softwareversion af en hardware vision mixer.
We have nine total that are listed (these were the most popular): Ecamm, Snapcam, Boinx (Mimolive), EpocCam, OBS, Wirecast, Man圜am, BlackMagic Newtek. En software vision mixer er et stykke software, der er i stand til at skifte mellem forskellige videokilder.I nogle tilfælde er denne software også i stand til at sammensætte (kombinere) video fra forskellige kilder.
They do not support code signing currently.

Developed closely for Mac systems, the CamTwist studio generates a 1080p output and. Feature: Picture in picture streaming Instant replay CamTwist Studio. Compare price, features, and reviews of the software side-by-side to make the best choice for your business. 20 per month for nonprofit organizations. If your virtual camera software is not listed below on either list and you would like me to request whitelisting, please send me an email and I will compile a campus list to send to Zoom for consideration. Please note: The main decision point on whitelisting is that the software must have a valid code signature (which could rule out open source software, like the OBS plug-in). Synchronized editing and superb speed availability with this awesome streaming software for Mac. Zoom had disabled virtual camera support for Zoom in an earlier release on macOS. They have recently reenabled support, but only on a limited/whitelisted basis for a few virtual cameras. Included below is permitted software on their whitelist as well as virtual cameras that have been denied. Zoom had disabled virtual camera support for Zoom in an earlier release on macOS.