Second to print by using “Print barcode label option” (B). Go to the Home page in LabCollector and select the “Module” you want to print from. To print using LabCollector follow the steps below: #Barcode maker machine how to#
How to create and set alerts for tubes? (v6.0). How to create tubes with storage and mark their usage? (v6.0). Can I see/list all records in a module?. Do I need to purchase all modules? Can I use only the primers module?. What are the FDA requirements for software to comply with GxP guidelines?. If I purchase ONE license, do I need to purchase additional licenses for other computers in my lab network?. Can I use LabCollector on a single computer? Can I install it on a web server?. How does the remotely hosted version work?. System Requirements - Hosted options (FR/ENG). How do I install LabCollector? Where can I find the install.exe file?. How to perform pooling in sample receiving add on?. How to create & process a package in Sample receiving add-on?. How to process plates in sample receiving add-on?.
How to view samples created in sample receiving add-on into a module?.How to connect and send samples from 'sample receiving' to do tests in 'LSM'?.Can I add a custom module to fit my specific needs?.How to generate CoC Manifest with integrated labels?.How to generate Invoices report template in LSM?.How to create a Chain Of Custody (CoC) report and use it LSM & LSMRemote?.Dynamic fields in LSM for result/invoice/CoC/batch report templates?.How to use text editor to create a report template in LSM?.How to send token and released result report SMS notification using Twilio?.
How to create a token for report access for patient/client using LSMRemote?.How to configure new fields, submit a job in LSMRemote & view it in LSM?.LSMRemote installation steps & Integration into the website ? (v4.0).How to use LabCollector for COVID-19 testing?.