We are unable to expedite this shipping service. Shipping to APO & FPO addresses with USPS can take up to 30 days in transit before receipt. Orders to these addresses can only be shipped with the United States Postal Service. APO & FPO ADDRESSESĪPO & FPO addresses are military installations around the globe both international and domestic. Once your order has shipped you will receive an email with the tracking number for your shipment. All shipments require a signature and may be subject to taxes, duties and customs fees to be paid upon delivery. All shipments are subject to item availability and credit card verification. Orders are sent via FedEx and usually ship from our warehouse in 5-7 business days. We ship worldwide to almost every country.

Once your order has shipped you will receive an email with the tracking number for your shipment. In-Stock items ordered with standard ground service usually ship from our warehouse in 5-7 business days. Please note the date format is MM/DD/YYYY. Items listed with Pre-Order dates ship 5-7 business days after the date listed. This will be noted on the product page, see the image below for an example: Some items are not available to ship immediately but are scheduled to ship at a later date. Items from Angela & Alison, Chic & Holland, Cristallini, Fely Campo, Ilmio, In Couture, J'Adore, Odrella, Portia & Scarlett, Tania Olsen, and Tarik Ediz generally ship from international warehouses. However in stock items shipping from international warehouses may take slightly longer to ship after processing. Most items shown on our website are in stock and ready to ship in 5-7 business days. FedEx International Economy - 8-14 business days.